pinkish_delish Jul 25, 2010 13:05
dream dictionary, tired thia, weariness, thoughts to ponder, dreams, confusion, uncertainties, depressed, the need to rest so badly, dreams so weird
pinkish_delish May 07, 2010 15:55
thoughts to ponder, prayers, gastronomic cravings, emotions i wish didn't exist
pinkish_delish Oct 07, 2009 22:57
thoughts to ponder, hurt
pinkish_delish Sep 29, 2009 01:18
thoughts to ponder, planning
pinkish_delish Sep 02, 2009 00:34
thoughts to ponder, school @ nie, questions, gastronomic cravings, lessons to note, rainy days, frustrations pent up deep inside
pinkish_delish Jul 19, 2009 12:39
thoughts to ponder, sleepy thia, my baby, birthdays, japanese lesson
pinkish_delish Jul 05, 2009 21:37
esther, rainy days, thoughts to ponder, tuition delight, my baby, cooling nighs, lessons to note, tuition nightmares
pinkish_delish Jul 02, 2009 00:19
thoughts to ponder, reading, books, weariness, cartoons, lessons to note, fatigue
pinkish_delish Mar 09, 2009 15:37
thoughts to ponder, decision time, missy milky, gastronomic cravings, education, photography
pinkish_delish Jan 20, 2009 23:38
beliefs, thoughts to ponder, iep, hatred, assignments, lessons to note